Frequent questions

What is the Avantage service programme ?

Avantage service is a loyalty programme that enables clients to earn up to 2% additional interest per year on their BCGE Epargne account, under certain conditions.

Who is the Avantage service programme aimed at?

The Avantage service programme is open to all individuals, aged 18 and over, who hold a BCGE Epargne account.

What conditions must be met for me to receive a bonus on my savings?

From the moment you open a BCGE Epargne account, you can earn 0.25% to 2% additional interest on your savings thanks to the following bonuses:

  • +0.5% interest on your savings: +0.25% if you make a net deposit into your BCGE Epargne account during the calendar year and an additional 0.25% interest if you hold an Epargne 3 account (minimum value CHF 10,000) or a minimum of 100 Synchrony fund units (CH). The eligible Synchrony funds are :
    • Synchrony (CH) Guardian (CHF) N° de valeur: 39875014
    • Synchrony (CH) Defensive (CHF) N° de valeur: 1822141
    • Synchrony (CH) Balanced (CHF) N° de valeur: 277239
    • Synchrony (CH) Balanced (EUR) N° de valeur: 2482999
    • Synchrony (CH) Dynamic (CHF) N° de valeur: 4262988
    • Synchrony (CH) World Equity (CHF) N° de valeur: 4263004
  • +0.5% interest on your savings: if you hold at least 40 BCGE shares;
  • +0.5% interest on your savings: if you hold a Best of management mandate (minimum value CHF 50,000);
  • +0.5% interest on your savings: if you hold a BCGE real estate mortgage loan (minimum value CHF 200,000).
When and how will I receive my bonus?

The payment is made automatically together with the interest payment at the end of the year directly into your BCGE Epargne savings account.

I hold an Epargne 3 account worth more than CHF 10,000 or more than 100 Synchrony fund units but I have not made a net deposit into my BCGE Epargne account: will I receive my bonus?

No, to receive the bonus granted to holders of an Epargne 3 account or Synchrony fund units, you must always make a net deposit of CHF 1 into your BCGE Epargne account. This means that your annual net inflows are higher than your net outflows by at least CHF 1 (excluding interest and bonus payments as at 31 December). The minimum deposit must be made before 26 December each year.

Does the payment of my bonus count as a net deposit?

No, the interest paid on your BCGE Epargne account (basic credit rate and additional Avantage service bonus) is not considered a payment. However, dividends and coupons paid directly into your BCGE Epargne account are considererd a deposit.

How is my bonus calculated during the first year of my subscription to the Avantage service programme?

The Avantage service bonus is calculated prorata temporis from the date on which the BCGE Epargne account is opened, provided that the products included in the programme were opened before 29 June (with the exception of the net deposit, which may be made between 1 January and 26 December).

I have several mortgage loans whose total amount add up to the required CHF 200,000: am I entitled to my interest bonus?

Yes, if you have several mortgage loans with a combined amount of CHF 200,000 or more, you are entitled to the bonus, provided that this sum is paid out before 29 June of the current year.

Does the date of subscription to the various Avantage service conditions influence the payment of my bonus?

Yes. Subscription to an Epargne 3 account, Synchrony fund units, BCGE shares, a Best of management mandate and a mortgage loan must be made before 29 June of the current year in order to qualify for the bonus.

I hold two Epargne 3 accounts, both of which have a balance of CHF 5,000 each. Am I entitled to a bonus?

No. To receive a bonus, the Epargne 3 account must have a balance of at least CHF 10,000. A one-time transfer is sufficient.

By what date must the minimum investment amount be paid in order to benefit from the interest bonus with the Best of management mandate?

To benefit from the interest bonus, the minimum investment amount must be paid into the deposit by 29 June of the current year.

Quelles sont les plafonds sur lesquels la rémunération du bonus d’intérêt est calculé ?

The basis of calculation is the cumulative total of the account balances and is capped as follows: 

  • if one bonus is granted, the maximum limit for calculating the remuneration is CHF 15,000 in total;
  • if two bonuses are granted, the maximum limit for calculating the remuneration is CHF 30,000 in total;
  • if three bonuses are granted, the maximum limit for calculating the remuneration is CHF 150,000 in total;
  • if four bonuses are granted, the maximum limit for calculating the remuneration is CHF 300 000 in total.
What is a buy ordre at market ?

A buy order at market is an open order (without setting a maximum or minimum price). It has priority over all other types of orders and is used to trade liquid securities. It is usually executed immediately for easily tradable securities.

What is a buy price limit ?

A buy limit order is used when the user decides on a maximum price that he does not wish to exceed to buy a security, over a defined period of time. 

What dos a buy stop-loss-order signify ?

A buy stop-loss-order only triggers an order when the security has reached a certain price. 

What is a buy stop limit order ?

By selecting the stop limit feature, the order will be triggered if the price of the security reaches a defined threshold, while setting a maximum price that the investor does not wish to exceed. 

What is a sell order at market ?

A sell order at market is an open order (without setting a maximum or minimum price). It has priority over all other types of orders and is used to trade liquid securities. It is usually executed immediately for easily tradable securities.

What is a sell price limit ?

A sell limit order is used when the user decides on a minimum price that he does not wish to exceed to sell a security, over a defined period of time. 

What does a sell stop-loss-order signify ?

A sell stop-loss-order only triggers an order when the security is at an amount lower or equal to the price given.

What is a sell stop limit order ?

By selecting the stop limit feature, the sell order will be triggered if the price of the security reaches a defined threshold, while setting a minimum price at which the investor no longer wishes to sell.